Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From a Musician to a Cinematographer

Some people do change.  I think I'm one of them.

I remember back when I was 12, I learned playing guitar for the first time.  By the time I learned it, I became addicted to it and came to love this hobby.  I went from school battle of the bands to professional bands.

But, sometime in 2006, I stopped playing guitar to the point that I can barely play anything.  That was the time when I became addicted to computers, particularly browsing the internet.  While I was watching some videos on YouTube, I found this:

This video caught my attention.  This has started the firework.  I gotta do something like this!  I said to myself.  So I browsed online for a perfect camera that shoots HD.  And then I watched Jared Abrams's videos about HDSLR's.  I became addicted to his videos about camera preps and stuff, and it came to my mind that I need to buy one of those.  So I bought a Canon EOS 600D, an intermediate-level DSLR capable of shooting HD movies (1080p) at 24 fps.  The price was quite a pain in the ass, but it's worth it.

But way back then before I bought a DSLR, I already shot some action videos with my brother's cellphone, which was a Nokia X3-02 with 5 megapixels.

I wanted to use Final Cut Pro for video editing, but I cannot afford anymore a Mac, so I used Sony Vegas Pro for editing footage and Adobe AE CS4 for visual effects.  I'm going to show you my video editing workflow for the next posts, so stay tuned.

I first shot the video "Expired Unlimited Text" with my DSLR, so it has a little bit good quality.  I wasn't aware of the proper focusing, correct exposures and stuff, but it turned out pretty well.

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