Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our Horror Web Series "KAWALAN" Ends - PLOT EXPLAINED!

At last.. our web series has ended!  Did anyone had a hard time understanding the entire plot?  I bet you couldn't.

As I've said on my first post, the whole thing wasn't meant to be a web series, the Episode 1 is actually a horror short film alone.  And since everyone asked for the part 2, we brainstormed with ourselves and created this web series.

We just created a sort of a psychological thriller type of a film.  We wanted viewers to rack their brains - and effectively, we did it.  I think that's the whole point of a psychological thriller.  Influenced by several types of horror films, we thought of a possible "brain-racking" plot, like most of the horror films.  As you can see, the Episode 1 is all about a ghosts.  As the series progresses, the plot is being explained towards murder.  So not only we see ghosts in the web series, we see murder.

To sum up everything in Kawalan's plot - friends go to a some kind of a forest (where there are many trees and plants), they hang out, and been f*cked up, and eventually a killer goes in.  That's just it.

But, to explain further, it's about revenge.

A group of friends - Jah, Ferdie and Diane - are hanging out in a banana plantation.  They had picnic and had fun.  After they had lunch, Jah invited Ferdie to go for a walk, and Diane was left alone.  The two had gone for quite a while, making Diane a bit worried.  After a few moments, Jah rushed back to their place and told Diane that she and Ferdie got separated.  So the two girls part ways to find him.  Suddenly, after minutes of searching, Diane found a now rugged Ferdie with lots of blood on his face.  Diane asked him what had happened.  Ferdie told her that Jah has died.

The deranged Diane ran off to nowhere because of the terror, and suddenly she met Jah on her way.  Terrified to know that Jah is already a ghost, she ran away again.  Jah did not understand what was going on, so she followed Diane.  On her way, she found Ferdie lying on the ground.  

The flashback was seen and was set at the time after Jah invited Ferdie for a walk.  While they are having fun hanging out, a masked figure was seen hiding from the trees looking at them.  

The flash back scene ended and was set back to the present, showing Jah walking blankly away from the dead Ferdie and didn't notice a necklace entangled on Ferdie's right hand.  Meanwhile, Diane found another guy, somewhat a caretaker of the whole plantation, and she asked him for help.  But they got separated along the way.  Diane met Jah again and Jah assured Diane that she's not really dead.  The girls both ran for life and this time, they met face to face with the masked figure.  The two girls got separated and the masked man got Diane's hand.  Jah hit the man's back and got unconscious.  Diane took the mask off the man's face and behind them as another masked figure.

The masked figure behind them revealed Ferdie's face.  Jah turned her head back and saw him, but failed to alert Diane because she cannot touch her.  This revealed Jah's ultimate truth that she is already dead.  Diane also turned her head to her back and saw Ferdie, and touched her on her shoulder to reveal another flashback.

Diane saw how Ferdie and Jah got separated in Episode 1, and she saw how Ferdie killed Jah after a fight.  Ferdie, now injured, walked away with a necklace entangled to his right hand - revealed to be Jah's possession - and met the masked figure.  The two got into a fight after Ferdie reached for his gun, and was killed with a knife by the masked killer.

The scene set back to present time, realizing Ferdie and Jah were not there anymore.  She looked at her back and realized that the masked killer was the same man he met as a "caretaker" of the plantation.  Terrified, Diane ran and pursued by the killer.  Diane got away from the killer by Jah's evil apparition, and hid behind some trees.  She saw the killer from afar looking for her.

After some more hidings, the killer eventually got Diane and tied up her hands.  Diane asked for a reason why he wants to kill her.  The killer told her that her friend killed her sister.  He explained further in detail the real reason.

In the first place, way back before the start of Episode 1, the killer and his sister, Jah, planned a plot to kill Ferdie, because Ferdie killed one of the siblings' friend, due to his obsession to Diane.  Back in Episode 1, the killer explained why Jah invited Ferdie for a walk.  It's because they wanted to take Ferdie away from Diane.  In that way, the kill for Ferdie would be easy.  But everything went wrong when Ferdie killed Jah (due to his obsession with Diane - he only wanted to be alone with Diane).  For that, he avenged his sister's death by killing Ferdie (the flashback scene from Episode 3)

The killer is about to take Diane's life, but was distracted by a voice nearby.  So he checked the place where he heard the voice, and Diane got a chance to escape.  Her escape leads to a certain place where Ferdie dropped the gun, so she picked it up and pulled the trigger to the killer.  Diane was now left all alone in the plantation.  I guess that explains it all.

Sooooooo, I hope this post had helped you in the plot of our web series.  We just racked your brain as much as we racked ours.  Fair enough! ;)